Online Contributions

Thank you for your contribution to furthering God's work!


Would you like to write fewer checks? How about having the ability to automatically have your tithe donated on certain dates? Would the ability to have the church directory on your smartphone with phone, email, and address information be appealing? Mountain View now has these tools and more. Donation through this tool is secure and easy. You can access our online site by clicking here. You will be routed to Mountain View's church database provider - Realm.

If you want to give with a debit card or through ACH (direct withdrawal through a checking/savings checking account), just click the “Giving” button on the Realm app or on our contributions website. Please keep in mind that there is a fee incurred by MVBC with this giving method (1% for ACH or 2.9% + $.30 for card transactions). You may choose to cover the fee by checking the “Contribute an extra $X.XX to help offset processing costs” checkbox. This will automatically add the fee so that your full intended gift will be received by the church.

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