Sunday Bible Study

Join us for Sunday Morning Bible Study from 9am-10 am.

Our class sessions are in a 10 week rotation with a variety of teachers/topics to choose from each session.

The current session runs from February 9th- April 13th.

Agape ~ Room 201

Leader: Mickey Porter

This class is comprised primarily, but not limited to, senior adults. The class uses the “Explore the Bible” series from the Southern Baptist Convention (Lifeway) as a guide to studying the books of the Bible. Group discussion is an important part of the learning process and, as always, there will be prayer time and fellowship. 

Creating an Exciting Devotional Life ~ Library

Leader: Rick Shelton

Do you have a regular devotional life, or are you finding it difficult to make it a daily practice? Is your devotional life exciting and transformative? If you want to experience more fulfillment in you r relationship with the Father, this group is for you.

Theology and Life: The Doctrine of Redemption ~ Room 202

Leader: Charles Cutrera

Systematic theology is the study of what the whole Bible says about any given subject(doctrine). This study will look at the doctrines related to our salvation, including election, regeneration, justification, and adoption. We will look at numerous Scripture passages related to these doctrines and strive to make practical applications to everyday life.

Baptist Basics ~ Room 204

Leader: J.P. Tegart

Have you ever wanted to explore the beliefs of our Southern Baptist Church? In this class we delve into these beliefs and their scriptural foundations.

The Book of Acts: Part 1 ~ Room 205

Leader: Pastor Mike

Discover the origins of the church as depicted in the Book of Acts. This class will examine the text and highlight significant events that shape our understanding of whaat it means to be part of the church.

Next Sunday Bible Session Begins TBD. Stay tuned for class descriptions!

2585 East Hwy 193 Layton, Utah 84040

Sunday Service: 10:30am

(801) 771-3204

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