Ways to Serve

Help us serve our church, our community, and the world

Ministry Descriptions:

Children's Ministry: Create a loving environment for our children to learn about God and His creation.

Youth Ministry: Our youth isn't the church of the future. It's the church of the now. Help disciple our youth in learning about and serving Him.

Women's Ministry: Equipping women to serve God and each other well.

Men's Ministry: As iron sharpens iron, the whole church benefits.

Welcome Ministry: Greeting people and making them feel welcome at Mountain View.

Missions: Equip and motivate our church through education and organizing missions opportunities in order to impact the nations.

Community Engagement Team : Engaging the community.

Kitchen/Hospitality Ministry: Helping guests and members feel welcome with coffee and snacks during our fellowship time and special events.

Outreach Ministry: Showing our neighbors in the community the love of Christ.

Prayer Ministry: Nothing happens in a church without prayer. Join us to pray for our church and our world.

Building & Grounds Ministry: God has blessed us with a beautiful building. Taking care of it requires work; mowing, repair, paint, etc.

Technology/Sound/Media Ministry: Helping ensure the message is heard - both in the building and with our live stream.

Worship Team: Our focus is on worshipping Him. We need singers and musicians to lead us in worship.

Wherever needed; If you're not sure, just know that God has a place for you to serve here. We will reach out and see where you may have the best fit.

2585 East Hwy 193 Layton, Utah 84040

Sunday Service: 10:30am

(801) 771-3204


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